Ken Riddick's Photography Galleries

Above a door to an old church in Truchas, New Mexico, along the High Road to Taos. Straddling a high ridge, Truchas began as the Nuestra Señora del Rosario, San Fernando y Santiago del Rio de las Truchas Land Grant in 1754.

I am an infinitely lucky human.

Many people work their whole lives in order to retire and then work on checking off their bucket lists. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to check off most of my boxes during my journalism career and photography efforts -- or because of them. I was able to make a few memorable pictures along the way. What an adventure it’s been!

I’ve had an enduring and remarkable journey for which I could not be more grateful. I could scarcely have dreamed of the opportunities, the travel, the fascinating people and stories, the memories and the joy photography and my career would bring me. How many ever get to do what they love, make some decent images and do a modicum of good along the way?

From photographing archaeologists working the world’s deepest underwater dig to documenting the resilience of rural Puerto Ricans struggling -- their faces bright with hope -- in the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Hugo.

Oh, and from being pee-sprayed by a giant geriatric lion to getting cold-cocked by a pissed-off FBI agent!

The work has given me the rare opportunity to get to know many extraordinary folks in the places we’ve lived from Minneapolis to Fort Myers from Houston to Charlotte and from Colorado to California. And to make pictures in all these charming places, plus during my travels.

This space was for years the digital home for my professional CV. I’ve been retired a few years now and thought I would convert it to a little vanity project featuring my photography over the years. There really is no theme to the edit, just pictures I like or ones I particularly enjoyed making. Call it a retrospective ;-)

I hope you'll c'mon in and hopefully enjoy some of it. I’d really appreciate any feedback. You’ll find it organized loosely by section in links across the top or along the side of this page. Thanks for visiting.

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